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Board Members 2024
President – Adina Lev
Adina Lev served in the US Navy for eight years. The first four years she worked as a Disbursing Clerk and the last four years she served as a Torpedoman’s Mate.
She is a resident of Wake County, NC, and is currently the President of the Triangle Women Veterans Unit #144.
Vice President - Position Open
Secretary – Jean McMillan
Jean joined the US Air Force in 1973 and retired in 1999 out of the Directorate of Air and Space Operations, Headquarters Air Combat Command, Langley AFB, VA. She served
on active duty for 26 years. Her career took her to Lackland AFB, Texas, Keesler AFB,
Mississippi, Peterson AFB, Colorado, Robins AFB, Georgia, Ramstein AB, Germany, Osan AB, Korea. While on active duty with the Air Force she worked for top-level officers and
developed expertise in computer systems, electronic file storage and retrieval systems, and all
levels of office administration.
Treasurer - Nelly Onate
Nelly Completed two years of Air Force JROTC then joined the Navy in 1998. She served on active duty for 7 years then transitioned to the Naval Reserves. She recently retired as a Senior Chief Master at Arms with 25 1/2 years of active service.
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