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SHEro Spotlight
Patricia "Patty" Blackwell
U.S. Air Force
Patty served on active duty in USAF Services and MWR for seven and one half years. After completing four years of college she attended Officer Training School at Lackland AFB after which she was initially assigned the 3700 SVS (ATC) negotiating contracts for Mortuary Affairs for AFBs Lackland, Kelly, and Ft. Sam Houston. In addition, Patty negotiated contracts for 11 dining facilities assigned to USAF Basic Training and Defense Language Institute, while providing Prime Readiness in Base Services training, and serving as Honor Guard OIC. This officer served in the 51st TFW, Osan AB in the Republic of Korea. While there she performed in Osan Amateur Theater, bowled in a league, participated in field exercises, and attended events at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul. Patty's next assignment was to the 317th ABG, Pope AFB, North Carolina. In August of 1990, her unit flew to Oman for Operation Desert Shield in support of the Army 82nd Airborne. Initially assigned to Oman, she was moved to Qatar as Services an MWR Squadron Commander. Her duties not only included setting up food, billeting, laundry, commissary, and MWR, but to set up and run a temporary morgue to support a provisional flight hospital. Upon her return to Pope AFB her unit now supported newly assigned A-10s. In April 1992 Patty responded as Mortuary Affairs Officer with her Search and Recovery Team to Blewett Falls Lake C-130 crash where nine crewmembers perished. Patty was separated from the military in 1992 due to post Gulf War reduction in forces.
For the past 27 years Patty has been employed in Facilities Services at Meredith College. She has served as co-chair of the Honoring Women Veterans Committee since 2013. She is staff advisor for the Meredith Student Veterans Association. She has provided briefings regarding her time in service to many different groups including the Durham Academy here in NC. Near July 4th and Christmas holidays Patty sends 4-500 cards to the troops via Operation: Loving the Military. Honoring those lost in Desert Storm, Patty has marched in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC for several years including 2024. Recently Patty has participate in a photography class sponsored by The Joel Fund, Operation ART.
We thank Captain Blackwell for her service to her country and community.
What we are up to this month: September 2024
Combat Female Veterans and Families Award Ceremony
Carry the Load 9/11 Patriot Day Raleigh National Cemetery
Veterans Benefit Live information booths
TWV Meeting schedule
Celebrating more than
25 years as
Women Veterans Unit!
Fourth Saturday of March, June, September,
and first Saturday of December.
Meetings are in person or Zoom and often include lunches, speakers or special programs. Open to all women veterans, family members, and those supporting women veterans.